Civilian cars in Hostomel have been shot at for six hours: security forces post footage of Russian war crime

VALENTYNA ROMANENKO -- WEDNESDAY, 28 SEPTEMBER 2022, 12:28 Five servicemen of the Russian Federation have been notified that they are under suspicion of shooting civilian cars with people inside in Hostomel (Kyiv Oblast) in February 2022. Source: Kyiv City Prosecutor's Office; Ihor Klymenko, Chief of the National Police, on Facebook; Security Service of Ukraine

Details: On 25 February, the Russian occupiers in Hostomel opened fire on more than ten cars, using various kinds of weapons. The lowest recorded number of hits in these vehicles was 38; the highest was 178.

According to law enforcement officers, 11 victims and 41 witnesses to the crime were identified during the investigation. Furthermore, 57 examinations were ordered and 9 experimental investigations were carried out; footage from cameras located near the places of shootings and a video record of a witness were received.

Among the victims are a Russian citizen, a German citizen and employees of the Bucha District Police Department.

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Five Russian servicemen who had shot a dozen civilian cars in Hostomel village of Kyiv Oblast were identified. They have been notified that they are under suspicion of violating of the laws and customs of war, combined with intentional murder (Part 2 of Article 28, Part 2 of Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).


On 25 February, 2022, servicemen of the consolidated detachment of the National Guard of the Russian Federation units from the cities of Kemerovo and Novokuznetsk of Kemerovo Oblast, as well as the mobile special force from the Krasnoyarsk Krai, failed to complete the combat task of capturing Kyiv, retreated and took positions in the village of Hostomel.

Being in the area of Shevchenko and Sviato-Pokrovska streets, for more than six hours, the Russian military shot at cars with civilians inside, as drivers were trying to leave the combat zone and make it to Kyiv.

Five people were killed, six more were injured in these attacks.

The video shows details about the bloody crimes of the Russian occupiers, recordings from the cameras and memories from the hell that people had to go through.

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