General Staff explained how quickly Belarus can form strike groups

3 November, 2022 T-72B and T-72A tanks of the military of Belarus during exercises in September 2022. Belarus. Photo credits: Ministry of Defense of Belarus

It will take 2-3 months to form strike groups in Belarus that could threaten Ukraine. Such an estimation was made by Oleksii Hromov, deputy chief of the Main Operational Department of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. According to him, the aggressor still uses Belarusian territory to launch missile strikes on Ukraine.

"At this time, Russian military personnel, mostly those mobilized, are being transferred to Belarus. Therefore, we understand that in order to prepare this strike group, it is necessary to train military personnel, coordinate units, and accordingly plan and define some tasks. This is not going to happen in the coming weeks.

This is possible no earlier than in two or three months," Hromov said. The Brigadier General noted that the Defense Forces groups continue to conduct stabilization and defense operations. The situation is stable in the Volyn, Zhytomyr, and Kyiv directions, with no signs of the enemy forming offensive groups.

Serviceman of the Republic of Belarus.

Photo credits: Ministry of Defense of Belarus

"At the same time, in general, the situation around the creation of a joint group of troops of the so-called allied state [of Russia and Belarus - Ed.] remains ambiguous. On the one hand, statements and actions by both sides indicate that the current task is to divert attention and ensure the movement of Ukrainian troops from the east and the south of our country to the north. However, in a more distant perspective, there is a threat of the formation of a group that could be involved in aggression against Ukraine," Hromov said.

According to the official of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, at this time, most units of the 1st Guards Tank Army, primarily the 2nd Guards Motor Rifle Division, are being transferred from Russian territory, along with equipment and newly mobilized personnel, who are stationed at the main military training grounds in Belarus. Hromov noted that during October, about 1,500 railway platforms with weapons and military equipment, up to 200 passenger cars, and more than a hundred cargo cars with military property were moved.

Shahed-136 drone in Kyiv, October 17, 2022. Photo credits: Reuters

According to the brigadier general, Belarusian territory continues to be used by the aggressor to launch missile strikes on the territory of Ukraine.

"A special role here is assigned to the airbase in the Luninets settlement of the Brest region, where Iranian unmanned aerial vehicles are stationed, as well as a certain number of their operators," said the deputy chief of the Main Operational Department of the General Staff.

Vijs`kovi Bilorusi zaryadzhayut` snaryadi u tank T-72B pid chas navchan`.
p2022 rik. Foto: Minoboroni Bilorusi Belarusian soldiers load shells into a T-72B tank during exercises.

2022 year. Photo credits: Ministry of Defense of Belarus

As previously reported, the monitoring group that monitors the work of the Belarusian railway reported that dozens of thousands of tons of ammunition have been exported from Belarus over the past seven months to the territory of Russia.

In the period from March to September 2022, ammunition weighing 65,089 tons was exported by rail from Belarus to the Russian Federation.

Russian military in Belarus. October 2022. Photo credits: Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Belarus

Also, Lukashenko and Putin intend to create joint military training centers.

Belarus continues to transfer equipment to Russia, in particular, tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and trucks.

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