Lithuanians helped to buy a naval kamikaze drone for Ukraine

Lithuanians collected £250,000 for a naval kamikaze drone for Ukraine. The country decided to help with the large-scale fundraising for the creation of a naval drone fleet. Ukrainians announced its creation the day before.

The fact that Lithuanian people fundraised this money was informed by the Lithuanian journalist Andrius Tapinas, who previously collected funds for the Bayraktar TB2 drone. The drone was transferred to Ukraine. Andrius wrote about this on his Twitter.

"President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky launched initiative to fundraise army of 100 naval drones to defend Ukrainian cities and hit at ruzzian ships at Black Sea. Lithuanian people fundraised a gift for putin and joined this army with £250 000 to buy the first such drone!" Tapinas wrote.

Ukrainian naval kamikaze drone

Minister of Digital Transformation Mykhailo Fedorov announced that these funds will be transferred through the United24 fundraising platform. Lithuanians themselves will choose the name of the drone they financed.

"Our Lithuanian friends will choose the name for the drone themselves. Thank you for this incredible support," the minister wrote. On November 11, fundraising for the world's first Ukrainian fleet of naval drones began on the UNITED24 fundraising platform.

Ukrainian naval kamikaze drone

Just during the first day, funds were collected for three naval drones.

The first drone will be named 'Kherson'. These drones can participate in long-range maritime reconnaissance, surveillance of coastal activity, escort and support of the fleet, convoying merchant ships, adjusting artillery fire and inflicting fire damage on moving and stationary targets.

The drone is equipped with an autopilot system, video systems, including night vision, backup communication modules and a combat unit. The system includes: ground autonomous control station, transportation and storage system, data processing center. The cost of one system is 10 million hryvnias.

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