Camouflage net saves Т-72 from the Lancet kamikaze drones

A camouflage net over a Ukrainian ?-72 tank saved it from Russian Lancet loitering munition. A video of the consequences of the unsuccessful attack on the tank by Russian invaders was published on the Ukraine Weapons Tracker Twitter page. It is reported that the ?-72 of the Ukrainian military was attacked by two Russian loitering munition.

The video footage captured the wreckage of one Lancet, which as a result of the attack having caught on the camouflage grid or tree branches, fell into two parts and failed to detonate leaving the Ukrainian ?-72 unscathed.

#Ukraine: A rare look at a failed Russian attack on an ?? T-72 tank by two Lancet loitering munitions- both drones apparently caught on the trees, failing to detonate. It is worth mentioning that though the tank was covered by a camo net it was still found by the drone operator.

-- ?? Ukraine Weapons Tracker (@UAWeapons) December 23, 2022

However, the observers who monitor the Ruso-Ukrainian war, noted that although the tank was covert with a camouflage net, the operator of the Russian Lancet kamikaze drone was able to find the tank and tried to strike it. The Russian Lancet (ZALA Lancet - ed.) drone can be used for both reconnaissance and strike missions.

It is launched via catapult launcher and powered by an electric motor.

The tail part of the Russian Lancet kamikaze drone

The drone can be equipped with various payload modules depending on the task.