House of reprobates: Six votes, still no speaker

U.S. Rep. Kevin McCarthy lost again on the sixth round of voting for U.S.

House Speaker on Wednesday. Six times, Alaska's Rep. Mary Peltola voted with the Democrats for election conspiracy theorist Hakeem Jeffries, the Queens, N.Y. radical who is the new face of the Democratic Party.

Peltola, when she ran for office, promised Alaskans she would continue the bipartisan legacy of Congressman Don Young, who represented Alaska for 49 years. But her many votes have proven that those were just campaign words, not meant to be taken seriously. She has voted for the far left of the spectrum to lead the House of Representatives, something Congressman Young would not have done.

"Don Young worked in a very bipartisan way. He had more seniority than any other member of the House has ever had, and he welcomed every single congressman into their position, personally. So, he had a very long history of bipartisanship, and I want to emulate that, and I want to emulate his hard work on constituent issues," she told reporters in August, in a "bipartisan" refrain she has repeated many times since, while voting in a highly partisan manner.

McCarthy needs 218 votes to become the next speaker. During the last round of voting, 20 Republicans voted for a Republican who was not McCarthy, up from 19 votes during earlier rounds of voting, which have occurred over the past two days. A last-minute plea by former President Donald Trump to elect McCarthy did not create any movement in the Freedom Caucus, the more conservative wing of the House.

The U.S.

House has adjourned until 4 pm Alaska Time, when it's expected to again attempt to elect a speaker.

This story is likely to be superseded by events.

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