Did Prince Harry called King Charles III to ask him for money? Royal …

The royal family author Robert Johnson recently published a book titled Our King Charles III: The Man and the Monarch Revealed. The biographical book sanctioned by the Royal Family makes King Charles III as the lead protagonist while Prince Harry as a villain.   This book talks about why the king was tired of taking phone calls from his youngest son after they decided to live in California. Queen Elizabeth II repeatedly questioned Charles on why he didn't enjoy phone call conversations with Prince Harry.

As per Jobson, The Duke of Sussex only called his father to ask for more money and due to this reason the king stopped taking calls from his youngest child. Here is what Robert Johnson writes in his book regarding this matter. King Charles III, Prince Harry with wife Meghan Markle

Robert Johnson's claims

The author Robert Johnson in his book revealed about Prince Harry's and King Charles III phone calls.

He wrote, 'Charles stopped taking the calls, however, after his son had sworn at him and repeatedly asked for funds in their tense calls. When the Queen asked him why, Charles told her that he was not a bank'. Despite this fallout between Charles and his youngest son, the latter tried to regularly contact his grandmother after moving to California.

Jobson wrote, 'The Queen hoped that her grandson, having decided to live in Canada and then California, would find peace and happiness living the life he had chosen, but in the end she asked him to speak directly to his father'.

On the other hand, in his memoir Spare Prince Harry claimed that his father couldn't stand Meghan Markle as she was garnering all the attention as a new member of the Royal Family.

Next month, Charles and Harry will be coming face-to-face for the first time after this fall out. 


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