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Why this treatment is unlawful and goes against survivors' rights

? According to the Victims' Code[1], all victims and survivors of crime in England and Wales have the right 'to be able to understand and to be understood' when interacting with public bodies like the police.

? Under the Equality Act 2010[2], all public bodies have a duty to make sure that Black, Minoritised, Deaf and Disabled people are not discriminated against.


The United Nations Convention[3] on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (which has been signed and ratified by the UK), gives Disabled people the rights to dignity, not being discriminated against, accessibility and '[f]ull and effective participation and inclusion in society'.


Under the Council of Europe Convention[4] on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (which has also been signed and ratified by the UK), the state has a legal duty to protect all women's right to live free from violence, without discrimination.


  1. ^ Victims' Code (
  2. ^ Equality Act 2010 (
  3. ^ United Nations Convention (
  4. ^ Council of Europe Convention (