Majority of children exposed to violence in Osh region are children …

Majority of children exposed to violence in Osh region are children of migrants - police

AKIPRESS.COM - The majority of children exposed to violence in Osh region are children of migrants, said Deputy Head of the Department of Internal Affairs of Osh region Ashimjan Raimberdiev and the head of the public security service Salmoorbek Sheraliev during a news briefing. The number of domestic violence cases and violence against minors decreased compared to last year, they said. In the first 3 months of 2022, 17 cases of violence involving children were reported.

In the first 3 months of this year, there were 10 cases such cases. "Despite the reduction of cases, mainly children of migrants are exposed to violence," Raimberdiev said.

93 cases of domestic violence were registered in Osh region by now, 101 cases were registered last year, he said.

"This year we are working closely with the elder council, youth council, and women's council in rural regions," they said.