Meghan Markle 'would've long been forgotten without Prince Harry

Experts believe Meghan Markle would be an actress that's long been forgotten, if she hadn't found Prince Harry.
These accusations and claims have been issued by Sky News contributor and royal commentator Angela Levin. She believes, "If Meghan hadn't married Harry, she would just be some long-forgotten actress who had ran out of work just before she reached 40."

"Now she's very famous all around the world and she's very rich and lots of doors have been opened to her." Ms Levin even went as far as to accuse Meghan Markle of changing Prince Harry's entire personality, by agreeing to marry him. She also admitted, "Harry was very close to his father when he was young but since he got married his behaviour has changed enormously."

But now "I don't recognise him now.

He's hard as nails, he's spiteful (and) he's revengeful."