MiG-29s that belonged to the GDR are planned to be transferred to Ukraine

13 April, 2023 MiG-29 fighters of the German Air Force. Photo from open sources Poland asked the German government to agree to transfer MiG-29 fighter jets, which once belonged to the GDR, to Ukraine.

The German newspaper Der Tagesspiegel reported that the letter on this had already arrived in Berlin. "It refers to MiG-29 jet aircraft from the old stockpiles of the German Democratic Republic, which Germany transferred to Poland, and to transfer of which Berlin should agree," the newspaper explained. German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius has already responded to Poland's request.

"The German government wants to decide this Thursday whether it will give its approval to Poland to deliver Soviet-designed MiG-29 fighter jets to Ukraine," the DPA agency quoted the minister.

MiG-29 fighter jet of the Polish Air Force.

2020. Photo credits: Robert Knoops

MiG-29s were delivered to the GDR between 1988 and 1990. A total of about 24 fighter jets were delivered.

The planes were used as part of the National People's Army of the GDR to patrol the country's airspace and participate in exercises. GDR's fighter jets also participated in international aviation events, including air shows. However, after the reunification of Germany in 1990, the fighter jets were transferred to Germany.

Many of these aircraft were sold to other countries, including Poland, India, and Kazakhstan.

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In 2002, Germany sold 23 MiG-29 fighter jets, which the Bundeswehr received from the National People's Army of the GDR to Poland. However, one MiG-29 still remained in Germany and became an exhibit of the aviation museum at Gatow Airfield (West Berlin).

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The Military History Museum located on the square of the former military airfield in the Berlin Gatow district. Germany. Photo credits: berlin.museum-digital.de

Jacek Siewiera, Polish President Andrzej Duda's security advisor, mentioned at the end of March that the Polish Air Force currently has about a dozen of these aircraft.

Poland previously has already handed over eight MiG-29 fighter jets to Ukraine and is preparing six more.