Morocco gives a new sign of containment of irregular migrants at the …

More than 200 sub-Saharan immigrants were intercepted on Friday on their way to the fence separating Morocco from the Spanish city of Ceuta, located in North Africa, thanks to the action of the Moroccan Gendarmerie who were able to control the group before they tried to access the border area. The attempt to enter the area forced the Spanish police to temporarily close the Tarajal border customs office. In addition, maritime and land troops from the Guardia Civil were deployed, as sources from these security forces informed the EFE agency.

None of the more than 200 migrants managed to get close to the fence after trying to gain access through an intermediate area of the border perimeter that separates the Moroccan and Spanish territories. The Moroccan Gendarmerie set up a large force to contain the migrants and the Spanish Guardia Civil deployed its units on the Spanish side of the fence in preparation in case they succeeded in gaining access to the fence.

inmigrantes-marruecos-ceuta-espana-menores-no-acompanadosAP/JAVIER FERGO - Moroccan men and boys sit as the Spanish army cordons off the area at the border between Morocco and Spain, in the Spanish enclave of Ceuta

The Tarajal border customs office, which the Spanish police closed as a precautionary measure, reopened two hours later and the traffic of people and vehicles was allowed to proceed normally. This is a new example of the close cooperation between Spain and Morocco on migration issues. This is a very important issue for both nations and one that requires significant effort and coordination.[1] Since the two neighbouring countries on both shores of the Mediterranean recently strengthened their diplomatic relationship, the effort is increasing and episodes of assault by irregular immigrants in border areas no longer occur easily.

migrantes-valla-melilla-espana-marruecosREUTERS/JESUS BLASCO DE AVELLANEDA - African migrants sit on top of a border fence during an attempt to cross into Spanish territory

A major negative example of this was the passage of thousands of migrants across the Ceuta border in May 2021, which provoked a major migratory and political crisis between Spain and Morocco, whose diplomatic relationship was not at its best due to Moroccan unease over the lack of cooperation and information from Spain regarding the reception in Spain of Brahim Ghali, leader of the Polisario Front, in Logrono in April 2021 to be treated for a respiratory ailment.

This situation triggered a diplomatic crisis and led to tense episodes such as the entry of thousands of illegal immigrants across the border of Ceuta in May 2021 in the face of the passivity of the security forces in preventing them from entering Spanish territory. In the months that followed, Spain made gestures of rapprochement, such as conciliatory messages from the King of Spain, Felipe VI, and the appointment of Jose Manuel Albares as Minister of Foreign Affairs to replace Arancha Gonzalez Laya, who had been affected by the Ghali case. The decisive step came with the recognition by Pedro Sanchez's government of Morocco's proposal for Western Sahara as the 'most serious, credible and realistic' in terms of ending the Sahrawi conflict.

The North African country proposes a broad autonomy for Western Sahara under Moroccan sovereignty, respecting UN resolutions, and this option enjoys significant support, including from the United States, Germany, the United Arab Emirates and Spain itself.

Meanwhile, the Polisario Front's proposal to hold a referendum on independence for the Sahrawi people, endorsed by Algeria, Morocco's great regional rival, has less international backing.

marruecos-espana-ranPHOTO/FILE - Aziz Akhannouch, Head of Government of the Kingdom of Morocco and Pedro Sanchez, Head of Government of Spain

Following Spanish recognition, in April 2022, Spanish President Pedro Sanchez met with Morocco's King Mohammed VI in Rabat, where they established the roadmap that would mark the relationship between the two nations in the following months.

Subsequently, in February 2023, the High Level Meeting[2] was held in Rabat, with the presence of Pedro Sanchez himself and the Moroccan head of government, Aziz Akhannouch, in which important agreements were reached on various issues, including migration control, which is so important for both countries.


  1. ^ This is a very important issue for both nations and one that requires significant effort and coordination. (
  2. ^ High Level Meeting (