New wave of landings in Lampedusa. Migrants, 700 arrivals in less …

Migrants, 700 arrivals in less than 24 hours in Lampedusa

Five landings of migrants during the night a Lampedusa where a total of 196 landed. On board, in addition to the 38 who traveled with the Nigerian's body in tow, there were 39 (7 women and 2 minors) originating from the Ivory Coast, Guinea and Sierra Leone, 44 ( 5 women and 1 minor) from Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Mali and Guinea, 39 (15 women and 4 minors) from Congo, Senegal, Guinea and Ivory Coast and 36 (8 women and 4 minors) from the same nationalities plus the Niger. A new wave of landings of migrants in the last 24 hours brought the hotspot back to collapse Lampedusa, where there are currently 1,436 people for a nominal capacity of 400 seats.

From yesterday morning to today, 679 people arrived in the port of the island, on 23 different small boats, rescued by the Coast Guard and Finance Police. I boats almost all of them sailed from Tunisia, but the passengers, including women and children, are only Tunisians. Among them there are also people who have declared that they come from various West African countries, including Sierra Leone, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Mali.

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