Over 2,000 asylum seekers cross Rio Grande into Brownsville

BROWNSVILLE, TX. (CNN) - More than 2,000 migrants reportedly crossed the Rio Grande between Monday and Tuesday evening in Brownsville, Texas.

Brownsville Police were called in by Border Patrol to help handle the surge.

A Brownsville Police spokesperson said officers will be stationed there for as long as Border Patrol needs them but the role they serve will be limited since they cannot enforce federal laws.

Officers are also helping to direct migrants into designated lines.

The increase in border crossings comes as the deadline for Title 42 inches closer.

"For us to be this busy especially at a time before the sunset of title 42 is very concerning for me as a chief," said Chief Gloria Chavez with the Rio Grande Valley Border Patrol Sector. "We are now averaging about a thousand migrants a day, crossing through areas like Brownsville, Texas."

Although border crossing numbers are considered high for this time of the year, Border Patrol's RGV Sector Chief feels her agents are ready for what may be ahead as May 11 gets closer.

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