Prince Harry painting UK as 'a racist backwater' needing escape

Experts believe Prince Harry's bid to paint the UK as some sort of "racist backwater from which he and his apparently victimised wife were so desperate to escape," is wrong.
Commentator Jan Moir made these admissions and claims. Moir began the chat by weighing on Prince Harry's brand new lawsuit, and its 31-page statement to the UK court.

Ms Moir believes this statement seeks to inform, "that Harry sees himself not as a man possessed, but as a knight in shining armour;" "The great redeemer not only of himself and his family, but of the Government, the media industry, the people of this great country, the country itself and indeed the very concept of democracy." She even referenced a part of the statement that says, "Our country is judged globally by the state of our Press and our government -- both of whose reputations I believe are currently at rock bottom."

But in the eyes of Ms Moir, Prince Harry's "conveniently forgetting that no one has done more than he to damage this country's image around the world."

"Primarily by claiming it to be a racist backwater from which he and his apparently victimised wife were so desperate to escape."