Prince Harry says 'everyday was holiday' during his time in British …

Prince Harry admits spending time in Army bootcamp was better than being chased by the paps.
Writing in his memoir 'Spare', the Duke of Sussex admits no matter how painful his days at the military training were, he was always thankful for being away from the media. Harry pens: "I never did, however.

I was, for the most part, fine. Boot camp was no picnic, but I never wavered in my belief that I was exactly where I was meant to be. Also, no matter what they did to us, it was done away from the press, so for me every day was a kind of holiday."

Harry adds: "The training center was like Club H. No matter what the color sergeants dished out, there was always, always the compensatory bonus of no paps. Nothing could really hurt me in a place where the press couldn't find me."

Harry joined the army in 2006.