Prince Harry's floating in a 'sea of pet delusions'

Experts have just accused Prince Harry of floating atop a 'sea of pet delusions'
Commentator Jan Moir made these admissions and claims. The claims in question have come in reference to Prince Harry's 31-page statement to the UK.

It reads "Our country is judged globally by the state of our Press and our government -- both of whose reputations I believe are currently at rock bottom." In Ms Moir's eyes, however, "It's almost embarrassing! Everyone likes to swim in their own sea of pet delusions, God knows I have a thrash myself now and again, but Harry is drowning in a glutinous pool of sheer fantasy."

According to the Daily Mail, "He blames tabloid newspapers for everything bad in his life, including his teenage drug-taking, his drinking, his exam failures and even his fondness for playing naked billiards in Las Vegas."


Because he felt he had to 'play up' to the headlines and stereotypes 'they wanted to place upon me'."