Russian commander to be prosecuted for shooting a column in Irpin

A Russian military officer will be tried for a cruel murder of civilians in Irpin who were trying to evacuate. Source: the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine, source of Ukrainska Pravda in law enforcement Quote: "Under procedural guidance of the prosecutors from the Prosecutor General's Office, an indictment against the commander of the company of the 173rd Reconnaissance Battalion of the 106th division of the Armed Forces of Russia was sent to court.

He is being accused of mistreatment of civilians combined with premeditated murder and other violations of laws and customs of war (under Art.

438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine)." Details: The law enforcement officers do not name the suspect, but according to the source of Ukrainska Pravda, it is Stanislav Stenin, a 35-year old citizen of Russia.

 PHOTO from police

The investigation discovered that on 5 March 2022, the Russian troops of the 173rd Reconnaissance Battalion and the 137th Guards Airborne Regiment captured a building in the town of Irpin on the Fedor Krychevsky street. They were checking people at the checkpoint at the exit from the city.

Having captured the facilities, the occupiers took the road on the Oleh Koshovyi street under fire control. At that time, this was the only road that could be used to evacuate from the city on transport. The next day, on 6 March 2022 at 07:30, the civilians from the town of Irpin tried to evacuate from the city in their own cars.

They put pieces of paper with "CHILDREN" and "EVACUATION" written on them in order to indicate that these were civil means of transport.

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The column was moving along Nezalezhnosti street and turned to Koshovyi street in the direction of the Zhytomyr highway. When the vehicles reached the Koshovyi residential complex, the Russian troops attacked them with grenade launchers and small arms.

Five people died as a result of the attack and seven more, including a small child, received injuries of different degrees of severity. The occupiers mistreated the injured and did not give others the opportunity to help them. Background: The National Police served a notice of suspicion on the three Russian occupiers, accusing them of shooting civilians in Kyiv Oblast.

The Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine specified that the investigation against the two more persons of interest will be completed within the course of a month.

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