Ukraine's Security Service detains 6 people who organised sham “referendums” in Kherson and Luhansk oblasts

The Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) has exposed and detained six more collaborators involved in organising sham referendums in the temporarily occupied territories of Kherson and Luhansk oblasts. Source: Security Service of Ukraine Details: The SSU states that they voluntarily sided with the Ruscists [Russian occupiers] and offered assistance in organising sham referendums at the beginning of the full-scale invasion.

Five residents of the Beryslav and Kherson districts, who were part of the so-called "polling stations" during the occupation of Kherson Oblast, have been detained as a result of stabilisation measures in Kherson Oblast.

They visited the homes of local residents together with the Russian military and forced them to "vote". The collaborators were paid in Russian roubles for their work. A resident of the temporarily occupied Starobilsk district has also been detained during a special operation in Luhansk Oblast.

She was engaged in organising a sham "referendum" as a "member of the territorial election commission".

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In particular, the offender drew up lists of "voters", issued "ballots", and prepared a "voting protocol". She left the zone of temporary occupation and arrived in the Ukrainian government-controlled territory in April of this year to apply for social welfare payments.

The suspect planned to come back after that, but the SSU officers timely identified the woman and detained her.

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