Former prisoners escaped from Russian army units in the Luhansk region

27 May, 2023 Photo on the topic: Armed Forces of Russia/Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Cases of desertion in the Russian invasion forces have been reported.

39 deserters, former prisoners, escaped from the Russian-occupied Lysychansk in the Luhansk region. The online publication "Kholod" reported on this with reference to pro-government Russian media.

They are currently wanted in the Rostov region of the Russian Federation. During the escape, which, according to Telegram channels, took place on May 24, the deserters killed a Russian serviceman.

Photo on the topic: Armed Forces of Russia/Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

It is reported that the police of the Rostov region have strengthened patrol posts at checkpoints with the so-called L/DPR. Fugitive Russian servicemen can travel in several cars.

In addition, they might be wearing civilian clothes and use other people's documents, which they could have taken during the carjacking. They are armed. The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine also reported on this case in its morning summary on Saturday.

According to the Ukrainian military, on May 25, about 20 former Russian prisoners, who recently underwent accelerated training and arrived to strengthen the unit of the occupation forces in the area of the settlement of Svatove, stole a KamAZ truck and disappeared in an unknown direction. Their whereabouts are currently unknown, the search is ongoing.

The moment of the arrest of the mobilized soldiers, November 2022, Belgorod. Footage from the video

Previously, Russia has created military prisons to keep detained and arrested mobilized soldiers.

Such a step was likely taken to reduce the number of cases of desertion and voluntary abandonment of military units, which recently have become more frequent in the Russian Federation military.