Ukraine preparing to ban imports from Moldova

In response to the restrictions introduced by Moldova against Ukrainian agricultural exports, the government is preparing a resolution banning Moldovan imports. Source: Taras Kachka, Deputy Minister of Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture - Trade Representative of Ukraine told this to a correspondent of European Pravda. Quote: "We have informed Chisinau that any restriction on the part of Moldova will be considered an extremely unfriendly step and will entail an immediate ban on all imports from Moldova," the official said.

Details: According to him, the introduction of such a ban has already been agreed, and preparations are underway.

Reminder: On Saturday, 6 May, the Moldovan Ministry of Agriculture announced plans to join the EU decision to introduce a temporary ban on importing wheat, corn, rapeseed and sunflower from Ukraine while allowing their transit. According to reports, Minister of Agriculture of Moldova Volodymyr Bolia personally informed his Ukrainian counterpart Mykola Solskyi about this decision.

According to him, there is a significant amount of grain in Moldovan warehouses, and this causes farmers to fear that they will not have enough space for the new harvest.

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According to the State Statistics Service, in 2022, the value of imports from Moldova to Ukraine amounted to £151 million. In particular, Ukraine imported from Moldova fuel (£28 million), wine (£16 million), tannin extracts (£15 million), vegetables and processed vegetables (£16 million), nuts (£15 million), as well as ferrous metals (£10 million).

On 2 May, the European Commission banned importing the specified goods from Ukraine to five EU countries: Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria and Romania, while preserving their transit.

The ban will be in effect until 5 June, but an extension is possible.

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