Ukraine's Security Service identifies 3 occupiers who tortured civilians in Mykolaiv Oblast

Ukraine's Security Service has identified another three people, all from the terrorist formations in the illegally proclaimed Russian-backed Donetsk People's Republic (DPR), who had set up a torture chamber on the occupied territory of Mykolaiv Oblast. Source: Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) on Telegram Quote from the SSU: "The commander of a regiment of the DPR, a terrorist organisation,  and two of his subordinates are the perpetrators.

They voluntarily joined the Russian occupation forces even before the full-scale invasion.

They joined the Southern Military District of the Russian Armed Forces and were taking part in hostilities on the southern front since 24 February [2022]." Details: When Russian forces occupied part of Mykolaiv Oblast in southern Ukraine, the regiment commander was appointed "military commandant" in a Bashtanka district village. He ordered Russian occupation forces to kidnap local residents and torture them.

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The perpetrators illegally detained four villagers, including former Ukrainian Armed Forces personnel. On their commander's orders, they locked their victims in a cold utility room or in a cellar, with no access to fresh air. There, the victims were brutally beaten, held in unsanitary conditions, and deprived of food and water.

In this manner, the Russian occupiers tried to force the victims to collaborate and to disclose information about the Ukrainian Armed Forces' positions.

Based on the evidence gathered, SSU investigators are likely to serve the three defendants suspicion notices in absentia under several articles of the Criminal Code: Art.

111.1 (high treason); Art.

111-1.7 (collaboration); Art.

28.2; Art 438.1 (violation of the laws and customs of war).

 Entrance to the torture chamberPHOTO: SECURITY SERVICE OF UKRAINE Russian torture chamberPHOTO: SECURITY SERVICE OF UKRAINE Russian torture chamberPHOTO: SECURITY SERVICE OF UKRAINE

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