The Netherlands plans to purchase Leopard 1 tanks for Ukraine

2 June, 2023 Ukrainian military personnel during training on Leopard 1 tanks in Germany, May 5, 2023. Photo credits: Reuters The Netherlands is working on purchasing Leopard 1 tanks to transfer them to Ukraine, the Dutch publication NOS reports with reference to its sources.

At the same time, the Dutch authorities plan to buy tanks from a Swiss company, but such an agreement will require the approval of the Swiss government. As before, this requires the permission of the Swiss government, which is willing to stay out of the Russian-Ukrainian war as much as possible. However, in May the country still took a step towards allowing the supply of weapons.

The commission of the Council of States (Parliament) of Switzerland advocated the weakening of export controls on military equipment produced in the confederation. This regards permission for third countries for the purpose of re-export of such weapons.

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p2023. ???????. ????: theguardian German Leopard 1 tank in the hangar of the OIP Land Systems company. January 2023. Belgium.

Photo credits: theguardian

A similar Commission on Security Issues of another chamber of the Swiss parliament, the National Council, expressed the same position back in January of this year. The measure is now to be considered by Parliament. It is expected to take place in June.

However, Werner Salzmann, head of the Committee of Security Policy, noted that such relaxations, even if approved, would not take effect until March 2024. Previously, a number of European countries, including Germany, Denmark, and Spain, wanted to redirect purchased Swiss-made military equipment to Ukraine, but Bern refused them, referring to the policy of neutrality enshrined in the country's constitution, which, in particular, prohibits the transfer of weapons to the zone of active hostilities.

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p2023. ???????. ????: Reuters German Leopard 1 tanks in the hangar of the OIP Land Systems company. January 2023. Belgium.

Photo credits: Reuters

As previously reported, the Swiss defense company RUAG wants to sell Leopard 1 tanks to Germany in order to repair and transfer them to Ukraine.

7 years ago, RUAG purchased these vehicles from the Italian military for further resale.

Company representatives have already submitted an official letter to the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs to obtain approval for the sale.