German Armed Forces have no comments on Ukrainian defenders' actions at strategic level

The Bundeswehr [German Armed Forces - ed.] leadership has no objections at the strategic level to the way the Ukrainian Armed Forces are defending their land and launching a counteroffensive. Source: Oleksii Makieiev, Ukraine's Ambassador to Germany, in a comment to Ukrinform Quote: "We ask our German partners ourselves to conduct the so-called After Action Review, which is a standard procedure that is carried out after operations, after each day of training, to see what was done correctly and what was not.

We really appreciate their advice on what to do and how to do it. This happens at both the tactical and strategic level and is part of the training of our Armed Forces." Details: Makieiev said that at the strategic level, there is no dissatisfaction with certain actions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

In addition, Ukraine is in constant contact with the German Ministry of Defence to share experience and receive advice.


He added that Berlin understands the situation with Ukraine's lack of weapons, in particular when it comes to armoured vehicles, air defence systems and aircraft. "So when we talk about the Kampf der verbundenen Waffen (combined arms battle), we have to understand that we unfortunately lack long-range artillery and air superiority. In such circumstances, what we are doing is fully understood and supported by the high command," the ambassador said.


Ukrainska Pravda is on Threads now

  • Earlier, Bild published an article about a secret Bundeswehr document criticising the use by the Ukrainian Armed Forces of methods of warfare learned in the West, in particular the division of Ukrainian brigades and the lack of proper training of command personnel.
  • Roderich Kiesewetter, Bundestag lawmaker from the Christian Democratic Union, said that Western partners, in particular Germany, should provide Ukraine with all the necessary weapons and not make critical remarks about the approach of the Ukrainian military.

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