Head of President's Office holds meetings with over 30 delegations in Jeddah: Topics

As part of the meeting in Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) on the implementation of the Ukrainian Peace Formula, which took place on 5-6 August, the head of the Ukrainian President's Office, Andrii Yermak, held meetings with heads of more than 30 delegations. Source: President's website Details: In particular, on 5 August, bilateral meetings were held with the heads of delegations of the United States, Saudi Arabia, Finland, Japan, Qatar, France, Germany, Spain, Norway, Turkiye, Poland and Slovakia.

During a meeting with Jake Sullivan, the US Presidential National Security adviser, the officials discussed Ukraine's priority defence needs, in particular, to strengthen Ukrainian air defence to protect the port infrastructure of Ukraine's south.


Yermak and Sullivan also agreed on joint actions in the context of implementing the Peace Formula and preparing for the Global Peace Summit. The sides exchanged views on the results of the Vilnius NATO summit and further steps towards Ukraine's integration into the Alliance. During the meeting with Shigeo Yamada, the Japanese Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Yermak expressed hope for the start of negotiations on a bilateral security guarantees agreement between Japan and Ukraine in the near future on top of the Joint Declaration of the Group of Seven adopted in Vilnius.

During negotiations with Emmanuel Bonne, the French president's diplomatic adviser, Yermak and he paid key attention to Paris' security support of Ukraine, in particular, strengthening air defence to protect the port infrastructure in the south of the country. The interlocutors also discussed France's involvement in the practical implementation of the Ukrainian Peace Formula and preparations for the Global Peace Summit.

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The joint meeting with Timothy Barrow, the UK National Security Adviser; Jens Plotner, adviser to the German Federal Chancellor; Emmanuel Bonne, diplomatic adviser to the French president; and Jake Sullivan, National Security Adviser to the US president, was focused on further steps towards the preparation of the Global Peace Summit and the practical involvement of these countries in the implementation of the Ukrainian Peace Formula.

"Andriy Yermak expressed expectations that negotiations on a bilateral agreement on security guarantees for Ukraine will be launched in the near future as a follow-up to the G7 Joint Declaration on support for our country adopted in Vilnius on 12 July," the report says. At talks with Simon Mordue, the Chief Foreign Policy Adviser to the President of the European Council, the officials paid special attention to Ukraine's progress towards EU membership and progress in implementing the seven recommendations of the European Commission, which will be the basis for opening accession negotiations. Yermak called on European partners to develop the next, 12th package of EU restrictive measures against the Russian Federation.

During a meeting with Marcin Przydacz, the Secretary of State of the Polish President's Office and head of the International Policy Bureau, Yermak was highly appreciative of Poland's readiness to join the implementation of the Ukrainian Peace Formula. The interlocutors discussed in detail the issues of ensuring the export of Ukrainian grain by land to EU countries in the context of the continuation of the blockade of Ukrainian ports. "The head of the President's Office expressed hope that Ukraine's neighbouring countries would refrain from imposing unilateral restrictive measures on the export of Ukrainian agricultural products after 15 September," the President's Office writes.


  • On 5 August, the meeting on the upcoming Peace Formula summit proposed by official Kyiv began in Saudi Arabia.
  • The meeting in Jeddah is the second meeting on the expected Peace Formula summit after the first one in Copenhagen; it was attended by national security advisers and political advisers to the leaders of about 40 countries. The number includes more than just the Western camp - in particular, representatives of China, India, Indonesia, Chile and South Africa were in attendance. The head of the UkrainianMinistry of Foreign Affairs called the participation of China a "major breakthrough".

    As it is known, Russia was not invited to participate.

  • The participants of the summit in Saudi Arabia have reached common ground on respect for Ukraine's territorial integrity.

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