Israeli vessel ignores Russia's “blockade” in Black Sea, followed by vessels from Greece and Türkiye

The Israeli vessel Ams1 has ignored Russia's "blockade" of the Black Sea and entered the Ukrainian mouth of the Danube, followed by two more vessels from Greece and Turkiye/Georgia. Source: Marcus Jonsson, a representative of the OSINT community, on Twitter. Quote: "Ams1 is entering the] Ukraine branch of Danube.

She was the first ship to break Russia's Black Sea blockade after the 25 July Reni-bombing. Starting her trip Ashdod, Israel, she openly advertised destination Ukraine as she traversed Black Sea on a straight course. Brave mariners," Jonsson wrote.


In addition, the Israeli Ams1 was followed by the Sahin 2 and Yilmaz Kaptan sailing under the flags of Greece and Turkiye/Georgia, Jonnson said.


"During the night, three civilian ships seem to have successfully challenged Russian threats to Black Sea navigation.

Ams1, Sahin 2 and Yilmaz Kaptan sailed direct routes, openly advertising destination Ukraine over AIS. Their origins: Israel, Greece and Turkiye/Georgia," Jonsson said.


"The first evidence that Russia cannot stop and search ships in the Black Sea," is how Bulgarian newspaper Actualno reacted to the event. "Russian forces are clearly unwilling or unable to forcibly stop and search neutral ships bound for Ukraine via the Black Sea...

Ship surveillance images released on 30 July show three civilian vessels declaring their destination in Ukraine via the Automatic Identification System (AIS) and sailing there without being stopped and searched by the Russian Black Sea Fleet," the article says.

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  • On 17 July, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov announced the suspension of the grain deal.
  • On 19 July, the Russian Defence Ministry announced that all ships, regardless of flag, heading to Ukrainian ports from midnight on 20 July would be considered as being involved in a military conflict.
  • On 28 July, the Russians began threatening ships in the Black Sea. The State Border Service of Ukraine has made public a recording of the warning that the Russians send through open communication channels to ships sailing through the Black Sea.

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