North Macedonia joins declaration on security guarantees for Ukraine

North Macedonia became the fifteenth country to join the declaration of the leaders of the Group of Seven on security commitments to Ukraine. Source: President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, cited by European Pravda Details: The head of state thanked North Macedonia for joining the G7 declaration supporting security guarantees for Ukraine.

Quote: "A total of 15 countries have already joined. I thank Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski for his personal efforts to strengthen the partnership between our countries," Zelenskyy added.


Vdyachnij Pivnichnij Makedoniyi za priyednannya do deklaracziyi G7 shhodo pidtrimki bezpekovix garantij dlya Ukrayini. Zagalom priyednalisya vzhe 15 krayin.

Dyakuyu Prem'yer-ministrovi Dimitaru Kovachevs`komu @DKovachevski za jogo osobisti zusillya zi zmicznennya partnerstva mizh nashimi krayinami. ????

-- Volodimir Zelens`kij (@ZelenskyyUa) August 15, 2023

At the NATO summit in Vilnius, member countries of the Group of Seven agreed on a framework document on "security guarantees" for Ukraine. The leaders did not agree on specific parameters of security guarantees, but their frameworks and specific bilateral agreements will be signed later. Before North Macedonia did it, Greece also joined the G7 declaration. 

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In addition, in August, Ukraine began negotiations on security guarantees with the United States of America and the United Kingdom.  Read also the explanation of European Pravda about why Ukraine will not receive the "security guarantees" that many are waiting for. Ukrainska Pravda is the place where you will find the most up-to-date information about everything related to the war in Ukraine.

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