First Abrams tanks arrive in Ukraine

25 September, 2023 Abrams tank. Photo from open sources The first American M1 Abrams main battle tanks have already been delivered to Ukraine.

This was announced by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky on Monday. These combat vehicles arrived within the framework of military assistance to strengthen the capabilities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The arrival of the first batch of Abrams tanks was reported to the president by Rustem Umierov, Minister of Defense of Ukraine.

Zelensky thanked the American allies for the transferred heavy armored vehicles.

U.S. Army M1A1 SA Abrams tanks for training of Ukrainians in Germany, May 2023. Photo credits: 7th Army Training Command

"Good news from Minister Umierov. "Abrams" are already in Ukraine and are preparing to strengthen our brigades.

I am grateful to the Allies for the implementation of the agreements! We are looking for new contracts, expanding the geography of supply," the President wrote on Telegram. According to the New York Times, citing two unnamed U.S. defense officials, Abrams tanks were sent to Ukraine on Saturday.

These are the first of 31 combat vehicles that the Joe Biden administration promised to provide to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. American officials do not specify the number of tanks that were delivered. The remaining M1 Abrams tanks will arrive in Ukraine in the coming months.

Earlier, U.S. media reported that Ukraine would receive the first ten American tanks in mid-September.

Abrams for Ukraine

At the end of May, Ukrainian servicemen began training on M1 Abrams tanks at an American military base in Germany. About 200 servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine participated in the training.

U.S. Army M1A1 SA Abrams tanks for training of Ukrainians in Germany, May 2023.

Photo credits: 7th Army Training Command

The training program comprises not only training crews to operate tanks, but also training personnel to maintain these combat vehicles. In early August, the United States officially approved the transfer of the first batch of Abrams tanks to Ukraine. The main training course for Ukrainians on these tanks ended in August.

It was originally planned that the funds of the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative would be used to transfer American tanks to Ukraine to purchase new equipment from the manufacturer. Later, it was decided to withdraw equipment from the U.S. Army reserves.

Before being sent to Ukraine, the tanks are repaired and converted.

The United States also included depleted uranium tank armor-piercing shells in a military aid package to Ukraine that was announced on September 6.