In Luhansk region, kamikaze drones hit three vehicles of the Buk SAM

2 September, 2023 Buk-M3 air defense system TEL before the attack in Luhansk region. August 2023. Frame from the DIU`s video

In the Luhansk region, the Ukrainian military targeted elements of the Russian Buk anti-aircraft missile system. The video of the defeat of enemy equipment was released by the Defence Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine on Saturday September 2. To strike the Russian air defense system in the occupied territory, kamikaze drones were used.

On August 30, 2023, the intelligence officers of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine, in cooperation with the operators of the "Omega" special forces group, reportedly hit three units of military equipment of Russian invaders in the occupied part of the Luhansk region. The vehicles, which were part of the Russian Buk air defense system, were attacked near the city of Svatove. The military published a corresponding video.

It is noted that enemy military equipment was spotted during its movement on unpaved roads outside the settlement, after which kamikaze drones struck the targets. Early footage of the video shows the drone hitting the TEL of Russia's newest Buk-M3 SAM.

After the drone strikes, the launcher leaves the unpaved road and begins to drive on the field, while the smoke is seen likely coming from the launcher. It is unclear from the video whether the launcher was completely destroyed, or only suffered damage.

Buk-M3 air defense system launcher after strike in Luhansk region. August 2023.

Frame from the DIU's video

Further, the video recorded the defeat of, presumably, two 9?39 TELs, which are designed to transport, store and launch anti-aircraft guided missiles of previous versions of the Buk air defense system.

Transport and load vehicle of the Buk air defense system in the sights of Ukrainian kamikaze drones in the Luhansk region. August 2023. Frame from the DIU`s video

Also, in the area of the village of Svatove in the Luhansk region, the Armed Forces hit the Russian rear support point for one of the brigades of the Russian invasion army.

The corresponding video appeared on the network. It was published by the invaders themselves.

The footage portrays the destroyed fuel trucks that provided fuel to Russian military equipment.

Destroyed Russian fuel tankers near Svatove in the Luhansk region.

A frame from a video from social media

However, it is not clear from the video exactly when it was hit.

But from the messages of propagandists on social media, it is obvious that this was recently.