Russia recruits migrants from Central Asia to cover their war losses to close losses – UK Intelligence

Since the end of June, Russia has been enticing citizens of neighbouring nations and migrants from Central Asia with advertisements for recruits to join the conflict in Ukraine. Source: UK Ministry of Defence Intelligence review on Sunday, 3 September, as reported by European Pravda  Details: Online job postings have been observed in Kazakhstan and Armenia promising an initial salary of RUB 190,000 [approx.

US£1,973] and starting payments of RUB 495,000 [approx. US£5,140]. There have been recruitment attempts aimed at ethnic Russians in the northern Qostanai region of Kazakhstan.


Russia has been enticing migrants from central Asia to fight in Ukraine since at least May 2023 with promises of quick citizenship and payments of up to £4,160 USD.

Uzbek migrant builders in Mariupol reportedly had their passports confiscated on arrival and forced to join the Russian army. Russia is home to at least six million Central Asian migrants, whom the Kremlin likely views as potential recruits. It is likely that Russia wants to avoid further unpopular internal mobilisation measures ahead of the 2024 presidential election, the UK analysts emphasise.

The exploitation of foreign citizens allows the Kremlin to obtain additional personnel for military operations in the face of growing losses.

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Previously, the UK Ministry of Defence expressed the belief that the Russian Federation risks dividing its own forces by pouring resources into the area around Kupiansk as long as fighting continues on the Orikhiv front. Ukrainska Pravda is the place where you will find the most up-to-date information about everything related to the war in Ukraine.

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