Ukrainian forces use kamikaze tank in Zaporizhzhia Oblast

The 128th Mountain Assault Brigade has used a trophy kamikaze tank against the Russian troops in Zaporizhzhia Oblast, blowing it up with a landmine near Russian positions. Source: Yaroslav Halas, Spokesman for the 128th Brigade, on Facebook Quote from Halas: "The 128th Brigade used a new tactic against the Russians in Zaporizhzhia Oblast - a trophy kamikaze tank.

The tank hit a mine before the enemy fortifications, but the explosion from the planted munitions was so severe that nobody disturbed our infantry from those positions anymore."


Details: Halas added that the driver performed the riskiest role in the operation. He had to drive the tank stuffed with explosives to the Russian positions within shooting distance. Vasyl Dudynets from the city of Mukachevo in Zakarpattia Oblast, "a simple man, a migrant worker who had worked in Czechia for many years," undertook this task.

He came to the military enlistment office in early March 2022, the day after his daughter was baptised. Quote from Dudynets: "Naturally, I was fully aware that I might not make it back. But it would have been instant death if the tank had been hit and the explosives had gone off.

I mean, it's clear - you're either alive or dead. This is not the case when your arm and leg are torn off, and then your wife or children help you around in a wheelchair and wait on you hand and foot. I prefer to come back unharmed or die instantly.

That is why I signed up right away when the commanders told me about the combat mission."

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Details: The soldier stressed that he had joined the army to fight the Russians. He also pointed out that the war must be "ended as soon as possible so that we could go home and raise our children".

Halas noted that the nickname "Kamikaze" had stuck to Dudynets after successfully completing the mission.

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