Germany hands over Sonobot 5 surface drones to Ukraine

28 October, 2023 Sonobot 5 USV in Ukraine, 2023. Photo credits: SESU Germany, within the framework of support, has transferred Sonobot 5 unmanned surface vehicles to Ukraine.

This was reported by the German project, which tracks assistance from Germany. The USVs are used to survey water bodies and detect ammunition and other dangerous objects at the bottom. According to project observers, at least some of the surface drones that Germany supplies to Ukraine are Sonobot 5 drones.

Sonobot 5 USV in Ukraine, 2023.

Photo credits: SESU

It is worth noting that earlier this year Ukrainian rescuers published videos and photos of the use of such drones for surveying reservoirs for unexploded ammunition or their remains. The State Emergency Service of Ukraine reported that the Sonobot 5 manufactured by the German company EvoLogics GmbH is a small surface platform that can be flexibly adapted to the needs of hydrographic survey in inland waters.

Sonobot 5 is mainly used for three-dimensional mapping. The device can be used during search operations to identify objects that pose a threat to the safety of people and infrastructure. For Ukraine, it is urgent to identify explosive objects remaining after hostilities or Russian shelling.

Sonobot 5 surface drone.

Photo credits: EvoLogics

The Sonobot 5 surface drone can be equipped with different types of echo sounders and side-view sonar (in different configurations at the request of the customer). The drone also has a video camera to support navigation, as well as photo and video recording.

Sonobot 5 surface drone. Photo credits: EvoLogics

The drone can carry out autonomous missions on a pre-approved program route.

It can also be controlled by an operator in radio-controlled mode.

Survey data is displayed in real time.

Sonobot 5 surface drone

The transfer of 5 unmanned surface vehicles to Ukraine as part of military assistance on Friday, October 27, was announced by the German government.