Hungarian Nobel laureate to donate prize money to Ukraine charity.

The Hungarian-born scientist Ferenc Krausz, who was one of the three joint winners of the Nobel Prize in Physics awarded on Oct.

3, said that he plans to donate the prize money to a charity he founded last year to help Ukraine. The day he won the Nobel Prize, Krauz told Deutschlandfunk Radio that he continues to donate any prize money he wins to Science4People, an organization he set up in response to Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Science4People partners with Ukrainian non-profits to provide learning opportunities to schoolchildren and works internationally to help Ukrainian students access higher education for free.

Krausz, who is the director of the Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics in Germany, was awarded the Nobel Prize along with Pierre Agostini and Anne L'Huillier for their research into attosecond physics. The three scientists will share a prize worth 11 million Swedish krona (£990,400). Krausz said that over the last year, he has donated money won from prizes, such as from the Frontiers of Knowledge Award he received in February 2023, to Science4People.

Nobel Foundation bars Russia, Belarus, Iran envoys from award ceremony in Sweden

The Nobel Foundation announced on Sept.

2 that it would not invite Russian, Belarusian, or Iranian ambassadors to Sweden to the Nobel Prize award ceremony in Stockholm.

Elsa Court

News Editor

Elsa Court is a news editor at the Kyiv Independent. She was previously an intern at the Kyiv Post and has a Master's in Conflict Studies and Human Rights from Utrecht University. Before joining the Kyiv Independent, she worked at the Netherlands Red Cross programme to arrange hosts for Ukrainian refugees and as a freelance writer and editor.

Elsa is originally from the UK and is based in the Netherlands.