Welsh Parliament joins Scotland in refusing to fly Israel’s flag

Fury as Welsh Parliament joins Scotland in refusing to fly Israel's flag in support after Hamas killed 1,300 Israelis

By Natasha Anderson[1] and Michael Blackley, Scottish Political Editor[2] and Rory Tingle, Home Affairs Correspondent[3]

Published: 18:15, 12 October 2023 | Updated: 18:32, 12 October 2023

The Welsh Parliament has sparked fury as it joins Scotland in refusing to fly Israel's flag in support after the deadly attack by Hamas[4] terrorists.

Presiding Officer Elin Jones, a Plaid Cymru member, refused a request to fly the flag, alleging she did not think it should be flown while both Israelis and Palestinians[5] are suffering.

Instead the Senedd will remain unlit in 'respect for all those who are bereaved and in danger in the Middle East', BBC[6] reported.

Andrew RT Davies, the Welsh Conservative[7] Senedd leader who had asked for the flag, has said he is 'extremely disappointed' by the decision.

It comes as the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body (SPCB) rejected a request to fly the flag in solidarity with the people of Israel. Both governing bodies made their decisions despite previously agreeing to fly the Ukrainian flag in the aftermath of the invasion by Russia[8].

The Welsh Parliament has sparked fury as it joins Scotland in refusing to fly Israel's flag in support after the deadly attack by Hamas. Presiding Officer Elin Jones, a Plaid Cymru member, refused a request to fly the flag, alleging she did not think it should be flown while both Israelis and Palestinians are suffering The Welsh Parliament has sparked fury as it joins Scotland in refusing to fly Israel's flag in support after the deadly attack by Hamas.
pPresiding Officer Elin Jones, a Plaid Cymru member, refused a request to fly the flag, alleging she did not think it should be flown while both Israelis and Palestinians are suffering

The Welsh Parliament has sparked fury as it joins Scotland in refusing to fly Israel's flag in support after the deadly attack by Hamas. Presiding Officer Elin Jones, a Plaid Cymru member, refused a request to fly the flag, alleging she did not think it should be flown while both Israelis and Palestinians are suffering

The Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body (SPCB) rejected a request to fly the flag in solidarity with the people of Israel The Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body (SPCB) rejected a request to fly the flag in solidarity with the people of Israel

The Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body (SPCB) rejected a request to fly the flag in solidarity with the people of Israel

The Senedd will be dimming its lights until the end of the week as a mark of respect.

Ms Jones said the 'brutality' inflicted by Hamas is 'abhorrent and unjustifiable', but added: 'Despite the horror of the escalation of attacks and killing in recent days affecting Israeli[9] and Palestinian citizens, this conflict, as we know, is longstanding and complex.

'I do not consider that the Israeli flag should be flown at the Senedd when people in both Palestine and Israel are now suffering.'

Mr Davies, writing on X, formerly known as Twitter[10], argued: 'The decision not to fly the Israeli flag does not reflect well on the Senedd.

'I very much hope it will be reconsidered.'

The UK Government[11] has asked that its own buildings to fly an Israeli flag until Friday, if they are able to do so.

In another post, Mr Davies stated the he was 'disappointed' by the decision, adding: 'Let's be clear: this was an unprovoked terrorist attack by Hamas on the Israeli people.

'The Senedd should follow precedent and fly the Israeli flag in a gesture of solidarity.'

The Welsh Parliament has flown the Ukranian flag in solidarty since Russia's invasion began in February last year. The building has also been lit up with the flag's colours at night.

Green MSP Maggie Chapman yesterday finally condemned the 'reprehensible' slaughter of innocent people by Hamas after causing outrage by attempting to justify the terror attacks Green MSP Maggie Chapman yesterday finally condemned the 'reprehensible' slaughter of innocent people by Hamas after causing outrage by attempting to justify the terror attacks

Green MSP Maggie Chapman yesterday finally condemned the 'reprehensible' slaughter of innocent people by Hamas after causing outrage by attempting to justify the terror attacks

Her original social media posts after the atrocities on Saturday, which she has still not deleted, are now being assessed by police Her original social media posts after the atrocities on Saturday, which she has still not deleted, are now being assessed by police

Her original social media posts after the atrocities on Saturday, which she has still not deleted, are now being assessed by police

Four out of the five MSPs on the SPCB have previously either taken part in pro-Palestinian rallies or publicly backed sanctions against Israel - raising concerns that the parliament is not reflective of public opinion on the issue.

It comes as Green MSP Maggie Chapman yesterday finally condemned the 'reprehensible' slaughter of innocent people by Hamas after causing outrage by attempting to justify the terror attacks[12].

Her original social media posts after the atrocities on Saturday, which she has still not deleted, are now being assessed by police following complaints that they broke the law and may encourage anti-Semitism.

Posting on Twitter, now X, on Saturday after hundreds of Israeli civilians had already been murdered, Ms Chapman said: 'What's happening in #Palestine is a consequence of #Apartheid, of illegal occupation, & of imperial aggression by the Israel state.

'Palestinian civilians have seen their homes destroyed, their water stolen & their land appropriated illegally. #GazaUnderAttack #VivaPalestine.'

The following day, she doubled down on her comments on X, adding: 'We'll never have peace in Israel or Palestine if we don't recognise why those who've been subjected to blockade, occupation & worse retaliate.

'Peace-making requires honesty.

Including acknowledging awful violent acts by different actors.

But we cannot erase context of occupation.'

Tory MSP Jackson Carlaw, whose Eastwood constituency is home to Scotland's largest Jewish community, said in response: 'Maggie Chapman's vile comments in the wake of Hamas's appalling attack, which has killed hundreds of Israeli civilians, has rightly provoked outrage on social media.

Ms Chapman was among the SPCB members who decided to refuse the raising of the Israeli flag.

Another member was Labour MSP Claire Baker, who has taken part in rallies against previous action by the Israeli Government and also backed Fife Council's decision to fly the Palestinian flag in 2014 in condemnation of events in Gaza.

Presiding Officer Alison Johnstone, who chairs the SPCB, spoke in favour of calls for a boycott of artists who receive funding from Israel during a 2016 Holyrood debate.

It was also projected on the House of Commons in Westminster and several other buildings It was also projected on the House of Commons in Westminster and several other buildings

It was also projected on the House of Commons in Westminster and several other buildings

The Israeli flag was projected on 10 Downing Street on Sunday evening in London The Israeli flag was projected on 10 Downing Street on Sunday evening in London

The Israeli flag was projected on 10 Downing Street on Sunday evening in London

Nationalist MSP Christine Grahame signed a public letter alongside Left-wing activists including Jeremy Corbyn in 2014 condemning the BBC for suggesting that attacks on Gaza were 'being directed at militants', saying that for Palestinians 'they are an extension of military rule and collective punishment by a brutal apartheid state'.

Scottish Conservative external affairs spokesman Donald Cameron said: 'The Scottish parliament appears to be completely out of tune with the public mood, as well as offending those who have suffered so badly.'

An Israeli flag was projected onto the House of Commons and 10 Downing Street as well as key landmarks around the world.

Scottish Conservative MSP for Eastwood Jackson Carlaw, whose Renfrewshire constituency includes the highest Jewish population in Scotland, is thought to be the only SPCB member to support flying the Israeli flag.

It is understood the SPCB did not formally vote on whether to fly the flag, but a majority of MSPs were opposed.


  1. ^ Natasha Anderson (www.dailymail.co.uk)
  2. ^ Michael Blackley, Scottish Political Editor (www.dailymail.co.uk)
  3. ^ Rory Tingle, Home Affairs Correspondent (www.dailymail.co.uk)
  4. ^ Hamas (www.dailymail.co.uk)
  5. ^ Palestinians (www.dailymail.co.uk)
  6. ^ BBC (www.bbc.com)
  7. ^ Conservative (www.dailymail.co.uk)
  8. ^ Russia (www.dailymail.co.uk)
  9. ^ Israeli (www.dailymail.co.uk)
  10. ^ Twitter (www.dailymail.co.uk)
  11. ^ UK Government (www.dailymail.co.uk)
  12. ^ attempting to justify the terror attacks (www.dailymail.co.uk)