Energy Ministry: Widespread power outages due to bad weather, Russian attacks.

Wide swathes of Ukraine were without power on Dec.

22 due to bad weather conditions and Russian attacks on energy infrastructure, Ukraine's Energy Ministry said. Thirteen oblasts across Ukraine were affected by either or both bad weather and Russian attacks on energy infrastructure, impacting the power supply of close to 100,000 people. The most affected region was Zakarpattia Oblast, where 64,300 people lost power due to high winds.

In Donetsk, Chernihiv, Kherson, Sumy, Zaporizhzhia, and Dnipropetrovsk oblasts, tens of thousands of people lacked access to power or gas as a result of Russian attacks. The ministry also said that Russian forces fired on a thermal power plant in Donetsk Oblast.

Intelligence service claims top judicial official has Russian citizenship; he denies it, cites pressure Ukraine's Foreign Intelligence Service has alleged that Roman Ihnatov, head of the High Qualification Commission, a key agency in Ukraine's judicial system, has Russian citizenship.

Ihnatov, who worked as an investigator in Russia in the 1990s and was required by the law to be a Russian citizen at...

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