Dnipro hospital reports saving 95% of wounded soldiers it treats.

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Mechinkov Hospital, a regional medical center in the city of Dnipro that treats front-line soldiers from Donbas, reports that it has so far kept alive 95% of the injured soldiers brought in for treatment. The 200-year-old Mechinkov Hospital is known for treating the most complex injuries, and many of the doctors and nurses working there have been providing medical care to soldiers since the outbreak of war in 2014. The facility receives about 50 soldiers per day, doctors told the Kyiv Independent.

The majority of these patients arrive unconscious. According to the hospital's own figures, 95% of these injured soldiers have been kept alive. The demand for medical care has skyrocketed since the beginning of the full-scale war in 2022.

Only one to five soldiers arrived at Mechnikov Hospital per day betweeen 2014 and 2022, hospital director Sergii Ryzhenko told the Kyiv Independent. The hospital treated over 3,000 soldiers in the first eight years of war. Since Russia's full-scale invasion, around 29,000 injured soldiers have arrived at Mechnikov, Ryzhenko said.

Ryzhenko still performs surgeries himself, and said that staffing needs at the hospital are growing increasingly urgent as medical personnel face burnout and exhaustion.

At Ukraine's key hospital for wounded soldiers, surgeons work non-stop to save lives

Most soldiers are unconscious by the time they arrive at Mechnikov Hospital, the main gateway for the wounded fighting in Donbas.

Located in Dnipro, a city of 1 million people 185 kilometers west of the front line, the massive Soviet-era medical facility works around the clock to save as