Norway hands over additional M109 self-propelled howitzers, spare parts and winter clothing for the military to Ukraine

25 November, 2022 Loading of Norwegian M109 self-propelled guns into An-124 aircraft for shipment to Ukraine. November 2022. Photo credits:

Norway has handed over a new batch of military aid to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The local mass media reported about this. It is emphasized that the cargo was delivered in secret.

In Norway, a small number of people were informed about the upcoming shipment. This batch of aid included: 1 155 mm M109 self-propelled howitzer, 20 thousand spare parts for previously provided artillery installations, 55 thousand units of winter military uniform, 55 thousand dressing materials and individual packages and 30 thousand dry rations (MRE - ed.). Clothes were taken from the warehouses of the Norwegian army, and some were purchased.

Norwegian aid for Ukraine.

November 2022. Photo credits:

"In total, we donate 250 million Norwegian kroner worth of winter clothing. We are trying to transfer it to Ukraine as soon as possible.

The cold season is coming quickly," said Norwegian Defense Minister Bjorn Arild Gram. It is noted that since the beginning of the Russian full-scale invasion, Norway has been providing support to Ukraine in the form of weapons, materials and ammunition for various weapons systems. The Norwegian mass media said that on the day of the aid loading, one of the world's largest transport planes arrived at the Gardermoen airport in Oslo.

They emphasized that both the airline and the crew were from Ukraine. The released photos show that it was an An-124 Antonov Airlines large cargo aircraft.

Loading Norwegian aid to Ukraine onto a plane. November 2022.

Photo credits:

"They need weapons, ammunition and equipment to continue their defensive struggle. We will support Ukraine as long as it is necessary. This support is ongoing now, and we plan to continue it in the future," Defense Minister Gram said.

An-124 aircraft, which carried military aid from Norway to Ukraine.

November 2022. Photo credits:

The Government of Norway proposed to allocate NOK 3 billion for military support to Ukraine in 2022.

M109A3GN ACS. Photo credits: Norwegian Armed Forces

The country has already sent 22 M109 self-propelled howitzers, helmets, body armor, ammunition and M72 anti-tank rocket launchers to Ukraine.

Loading military aid for Ukraine from Norway.

November 2022.

Photo credits:

Journalists note that Norwegian aid is being collected at a secret base and stored with supplies from other countries before being sent to Ukraine.

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