Russians are building new fortifications in their rear in the Zaporizhzhia region

15 August, 2023 Russian trench, illustrative photo. Photos from open sources. Russians are building new fortifications in their rear in the Zaporizhzhia region.

Blogger Brady Africk reported this on his Telegram channel. Over the past few weeks, Russian troops have built new fortifications near Chervonoselivka, which is almost 22 kilometers away from the front line. To the east, in the Donetsk region, Russian troops expanded their fortifications near the T0518 highway.

New fortifications near Chervonoselivka.

Picture source: Brady Africk.

Russians are systematically preparing reserve fortifications in the rear. There have been previous reports of trenches being prepared in the area of the Isthmus of Perekop, which connects Crimea to mainland Ukraine. Besides, fortifications are being built along the coast of the peninsula.

Previously, Ukrainian marines were taught in the UK to conduct landing operations. Judging by the map published by Brady Africk, the Russians have prepared several lines of defense and significantly fortified the towns of Tokmak and Mykhailivka.

Russian defense lines in the Zaporizhzhia region. Source: Brady Africk.

In addition, Russians are building fortifications near Melitopol.

It is obvious that the Russians are seriously preparing for the Ukrainian troops' counteroffensive in the Zaporizhzhia region and do not rule out the possibility of a rapid breakthrough in their defense.

Fierce battles are taking place in this area, Militarnyi reported that in the Zaporizhzhia region, the Defense Forces of Ukraine were knocking out Russian forces from the village of Verbove.

In addition, the Defense Forces achieved tactical success near the village of Robotyne.