Ukrainian missiles attacked facilities in Crimea

20 September, 2023 The likely site of the strike of Ukrainian cruise missiles in the occupied Crimea near the Verkhnosadove settelment, September 20, 2023 Storm Shadow/SCALP cruise missiles attacked Russian military facilities in occupied Crimea. The local Telegram channel Krymskiy Veter published the video.

Local residents reported cruise missiles in the airspace of the occupied peninsula and numerous explosions. The published footage captured the flight of a Storm Shadow / SCALP cruise missile in the sky over Simferopol. Later, a column of smoke, presumably from a strong fire, was seen on the outskirts of Sevastopol, near the village of Verkhnosadove. It is known that the facilities of the 744th Communications Center of the Headquarters of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation are located in the forest to the north.

The reserve command center of the Ukrainian Navy (military unit A2929) was located there before the occupation. The Russian military might have moved the Headquarters of the Russian Black Sea Fleet to a reserve command center in Verkhnosadove after recent successful attacks on Russian facilities in Sevastopol.

Local residents also reported alleged explosions near the Belbek airfield, located near Sevastopol. However, there is no confirmed information on this at the moment. Locals publish photos of smoke screens that the Russians created to cover ships in Sevastopol Bay.

This is already a standard procedure of the Russian fleet during air raids.

A smoke screen in Sevastopol Bay disguising ships near the pier, September 20, 2023

On September 13, similarly, Storm Shadow/SCALP missiles struck a shipyard in Sevastopol. As a result, the Minsk Project 775 large landing ship and the Rostov-on-Don Project 636.3 submarine were completely destroyed.

The damaged Russian Rostov-on-Don submarine in Sevastopol. September 2023.

Photo from open sources

The Rostov-on-Don submarine was a carrier of long-range Kalibr-NK cruise missiles, which it repeatedly used to strike Ukrainian civilian facilities and infrastructure.