Ukraine to have access to financing of infrastructure projects from Connecting Europe Facility fund

Starting 26 September, Ukraine and Moldova will have access to financing of infrastructure projects within the framework of the Connecting Europe Facility. In addition, countries will be able to provide their proposals for obtaining such funding independently, without consulting EU countries. Source: Adina-Ioana Valean, European Commissioner for Transport, after negotiations with Oleksandr Kubrakov, Ukraine's Minister for Communities, Territories and Infrastructure Development, as reported by Ukrinform

Quote: "Tomorrow we announce a new competition [projects - ed.] for the best use of the Connecting Europe Facility fund. For the first time, Ukraine and Moldova will have the opportunity to apply for financing of infrastructure projects in the context of the development of solidarity corridors. They can do it alone, without prior agreement with other European countries, they are equal partners in the Connecting Europe Facility, on the same basis as other EU member states," said the Commissioner.


According to her, the European Commission held preliminary discussions on such technical projects with the Ukrainian team.

They, in particular, provide for further integration of the Ukrainian railway into the EU railway system, with the transition of Ukrainian carriers to European standards. "This includes the best combination between Lviv, Iasi and Chisinau," Valean said. She recalled that the EU created corridors of solidarity on the borders with Ukraine in May last year, as an alternative way for the export of Ukrainian food to world markets after Russia closed the traditional Black Sea routes for such exports.

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  • The European Commission is considering subsidising the transport of Ukrainian grain through its member states after several countries banned its import.
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