Military track with V letter and bus collide in Shakhtarsk region: 16 dead

Sixteen people have died as a result of a collision between a truck carrying Russian soldiers and a minibus in the area between the temporarily occupied cities of Shakhtarsk and Torez in Donetsk Oblast. Source: Russian propagandist news agency TASS; Russian independent media outlet Baza; Russian groups on Telegram Quote from TASS: "A truck carrying military personnel and a minibus collided in Donetsk People's Republic, 16 people were killed, 3 more were injured, emergency services have reported."

Details: It is noted that three victims are currently in intensive care in a serious condition.

The circumstances of the accident are not reported. Russian media published photos and videos from the scene of the accident.

16 lyudej zaginuli vnaslidok zitknennya vantazhivki, shho perevozila rosijs`kix vijs`kovix, i mikroavtobusa na trasi mizh timchasovo okupovanimi SHaxtars`kom i Torezom Donecz`koyi oblasti. Video z rosijs`kix pablikiv u Telegram

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They show the cab of a military truck with the letter V [Russian war symbol - ed.] crashed into the minibus, crushing it.  TASS notes that the driver of the truck was among the dead.  It is not reported who the other victims of the accident are, but since the body of the truck is intact, and the body of the minibus is crushed, it can be assumed that the passengers of the minibus were killed.

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