Tens of thousands turn out to support Palestine across the UK

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Tens of thousands of people across the UK took to the streets in support of Palestine[2]. Whilst many of the rallies successfully provided space for Palestinian voices, some were marred by antagonistic policing.

London marches for Palestine

As Israel[3] continued bombing Gaza[4], Palestinian solidarity groups across the country called for rallies on 14 October. The biggest and most significant of these was in London[5], where an estimated[6] more than 100,000 people turned out.

Videos showed the entirety of Portland Place, home to the BBC, filled with people:

London now! pic.twitter.com/yct5vPxq5Q[7]



-- Husam Zomlot (@hzomlot) October 14, 2023[8] The rally marched to Downing Street, where it then hosted speeches by Palestinians:

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"Palestinians have the right to resist." Inspirational speech by Palestinian activist Leanne Mohamad at yesterday's huge London protest for Palestine. pic.twitter.com/KTtHFtgx0F[10]

-- 5Pillars (@5Pillarsuk) October 15, 2023[11]

Just In London UK Very Big number of people gather to show their support for Palestine and for peace#PalestineCapture#GazzeUnderAttack #PalestineLivesMatter #HamasTerrorist #Gazagenocide #???_???? #IsraelFightsBack #Palestine #IsraelPalestineConflict #?????_??????_ pic.twitter.com/Oq0kQOgysH[12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22] -- pray for peace (@peaceforpeace01) October 15, 2023[23]

As well as a speech by former Labour Party[24] leader Jeremy Corbyn[25]:

"It is right to condemn the continuing occupation of Palestine by Israeli military forces." Former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn is speaking at a pro-Palestine demonstration in London. Israel-Hamas latest ? https://t.co/5HylWXsPOL[26]

? Sky 501, Virgin 602 and YouTube pic.twitter.com/14inFkC1y9[27] -- Sky News (@SkyNews) October 14, 2023[28]

Meanwhile, the crowd had some choice words for current Labour leader Keir Starmer - after he endorsed Israel committing war crimes against the Palestinian people in Gaza[29]:

At a protest of more 150,000 for Palestine in London, the crowd chants 'Keir Starmer, shame on you' pic.twitter.com/Gd7ezWoBxX[30] -- Ed (@emcnally96) October 14, 2023[31] The BBC's building had earlier that morning been covered in red paint.

Direct action group Palestine Action[32] claimed responsibility. It said[33] in a press release that it had done so: in response to it's recent coverage of Palestine, which has been complicit in manufacturing consent for the occupation's genocide of Palestinians.

As the Canary previously reported, the BBC and other corporate media have been complicit[34] in spreading anti-Palestinian propaganda - to give cover to Israel's attacks on Gaza. For example, as we previously wrote, we: analysed the first 20 minutes of BBC News at Six on 11 October.

When you remove anchors Clive Myrie and Sophie Raworth's monologues, the BBC dedicated 84% of the reporting to human stories and analysis around Israel. It gave just 16% of the same type of coverage to Gaza. Meanwhile, at the London protest, there were also reports that the Met Police[35] had aggressively policed the demonstration.

Black Protest Legal Support said[36] its members had witnessed cops engaging in "violence against both protesters and Legal Observers". The group also said[37] police were forcing the removal of kuffiyehs, a traditional Palestinian headdress. The Met had earlier issued[38] a Section 60AA, which makes refusal to remove face coverings an arrestable offence.

BBC News reported[39] that police arrested[40] four people under the Section 60AA power. LBC reported[41] that the Met arrested a total of 15 people during the London rally: Marchers in London hold a banner saying

Marchers in London hold a banner saying

Masked up pro-Palestine marcher in London holds a green smoke flare

Masked up pro-Palestine marcher in London holds a green smoke flare

Cities across the UK march for Palestine

People in other cities across the UK also took to the streets in support of Palestine:

"End the violence. End apartheid. End the siege of Gaza."

Glasgow is a sea of Palestine flags this afternoon as thousands turn out for the @scottishpsc demonstration. #Skotia #Glasgow pic.twitter.com/LBN9v5Lvym[42][43][44][45] -- Skotia (@TheSkotia) October 14, 2023[46]

Tremendous turnout in Edinburgh for Palestine. I counted over 1000 pic.twitter.com/dQKLtgdQ5m[47]

-- Ragged Trousered Philanderer (@RaggedTP) October 14, 2023[48]

Manchester is standing up with Palestine. We're all Palestinians ?? pic.twitter.com/8MvIQCvE86[49] -- Amr Hany (@dr_amrhany) October 14, 2023[50]

Free Palestine from Cambridge UK pic.twitter.com/9tXOvM8xz7[51]

-- Sarah Ali (@Saritah_91) October 14, 2023[52]

FREE PALESTINE! ??Swansea, Wales. ?14/10/2023 pic.twitter.com/yBoHPTYwg3[53] -- Hannah Saunders (@saundershannah) October 14, 2023[54] This writer was at the Norwich rally where more than a hundred people including Palestinians turned out to the steps of City Hall.

Speakers included Palestinians, Muslims, and trade unionists. Police were present but remained calm, escorting one person away after they heckled a speaker: Rally for Palestine in Norwich 14/10/23

Rally for Palestine in Norwich 14/10/23

Rally for Palestine in Norwich 14/10/23

Rally for Palestine in Norwich 14/10/23 Rally for Palestine in Norwich 14/10/23

Rally for Palestine in Norwich 14/10/23 People in cities[55] across the world[56] also held pro-Palestine rallies over the weekend, though Germany and France had both banned[57] such demonstrations.

Listen to Palestinians

It's clear that people throughout the country have seen through the overwhelming anti-Palestine propaganda[58] put out by world leaders and the corporate media.

While rallies and demonstrations aren't likely to have an impact on Israel's attacks, they have provided a space for Palestinian voices to be heard. Those voices spoke of pain, sorrow and grief - not only of the Israeli state's actions but of complicity by world leaders and the media. They also spoke of strength, belief and hope in the resilience of Palestinians in Gaza, the West Bank and around the world.

For everyone feeling helpless as we watch on, they are messages we need to remember and amplify.

Featured image and London images via Aidan Frere-Smith[59], Norwich images by the Canary

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  1. ^ Support us and go ad-free (www.thecanary.co)
  2. ^ Palestine (www.thecanary.co)
  3. ^ Israel (www.thecanary.co)
  4. ^ bombing Gaza (www.aljazeera.com)
  5. ^ London (palestinecampaign.org)
  6. ^ estimated (twitter.com)
  7. ^ pic.twitter.com/yct5vPxq5Q (t.co)
  8. ^ October 14, 2023 (twitter.com)
  9. ^ Support us and go ad-free (www.thecanary.co)
  10. ^ pic.twitter.com/KTtHFtgx0F (t.co)
  11. ^ October 15, 2023 (twitter.com)
  12. ^ #PalestineCapture (twitter.com)
  13. ^ #GazzeUnderAttack (twitter.com)
  14. ^ #PalestineLivesMatter (twitter.com)
  15. ^ #HamasTerrorist (twitter.com)
  16. ^ #Gazagenocide (twitter.com)
  17. ^ #???_???? (twitter.com)
  18. ^ #IsraelFightsBack (twitter.com)
  19. ^ #Palestine (twitter.com)
  20. ^ #IsraelPalestineConflict (twitter.com)
  21. ^ #?????_??????_ (twitter.com)
  22. ^ pic.twitter.com/Oq0kQOgysH (t.co)
  23. ^ October 15, 2023 (twitter.com)
  24. ^ Labour Party (www.thecanary.co)
  25. ^ Jeremy Corbyn (www.thecanary.co)
  26. ^ https://t.co/5HylWXsPOL (t.co)
  27. ^ pic.twitter.com/14inFkC1y9 (t.co)
  28. ^ October 14, 2023 (twitter.com)
  29. ^ Keir Starmer - after he endorsed Israel committing war crimes against the Palestinian people in Gaza (twitter.com)
  30. ^ pic.twitter.com/Gd7ezWoBxX (t.co)
  31. ^ October 14, 2023 (twitter.com)
  32. ^ Palestine Action (www.thecanary.co)
  33. ^ said (www.palestineaction.org)
  34. ^ BBC and other corporate media have been complicit (www.thecanary.co)
  35. ^ Met Police (www.thecanary.co)
  36. ^ said (twitter.com)
  37. ^ said (twitter.com)
  38. ^ issued (twitter.com)
  39. ^ reported (www.bbc.co.uk)
  40. ^ arrested (twitter.com)
  41. ^ reported (www.lbc.co.uk)
  42. ^ @scottishpsc (twitter.com)
  43. ^ #Skotia (twitter.com)
  44. ^ #Glasgow (twitter.com)
  45. ^ pic.twitter.com/LBN9v5Lvym (t.co)
  46. ^ October 14, 2023 (twitter.com)
  47. ^ pic.twitter.com/dQKLtgdQ5m (t.co)
  48. ^ October 14, 2023 (twitter.com)
  49. ^ pic.twitter.com/8MvIQCvE86 (t.co)
  50. ^ October 14, 2023 (twitter.com)
  51. ^ pic.twitter.com/9tXOvM8xz7 (t.co)
  52. ^ October 14, 2023 (twitter.com)
  53. ^ pic.twitter.com/yBoHPTYwg3 (t.co)
  54. ^ October 14, 2023 (twitter.com)
  55. ^ cities (www.theguardian.com)
  56. ^ world (www.news.com.au)
  57. ^ banned (www.theguardian.com)
  58. ^ overwhelming anti-Palestine propaganda (www.thecanary.co)
  59. ^ Aidan Frere-Smith (aidanfreresmith.co.uk)
  60. ^ Support us and go ad-free (www.thecanary.co)