English street artist Banksy is made honorary citizen of Irpin

English street artist Banksy has been awarded the title of honorary citizen of the city of Irpin, Kyiv Oblast. Source: Irpin City Council Details: The official citation says that Banksy has drawn the international community's attention to the magnitude of the destruction in Irpin.

With his works, he has immortalised the tragic history of the city's struggle and the idea of its revival.

 Banksy's work in Irpin. Photo from the artist's page

Previously: Banksy has confirmed the authorship of seven works in Kyiv Oblast and even posted a video of himself creating them. In Hostomel, Kyiv Oblast, however, vandals cut out and removed one of Banksy's works.

They were found by the police. One of the thieves was Oleksandr Duvinskyi, a Ukrainian artist from Cherkasy, who claimed that he had participated in cutting out the artwork in order to save it. Journalists fight on their own frontline. Support Ukrainska Pravda or become our patron!

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