How Scottish and European media covered the Chain of Freedom

This is the latest edition of the Grassroots newsletter with Laura Pollock. To receive it direct to your inbox every week for free, click here[1]. SCOTTISH independence[2] grassroots activists hosted one of the most ambitious mobilisations of Yes activists the movement has seen since 2014 earlier this month.

After some time to reflect, organisers have been collating the international coverage the event received, and you can scroll down to find a sample of that. Across Europe[3], the chain was reported on - and admired.

In Scotland

When it came to domestic coverage, The National as well as several local papers including the Falkirk Herald covered the event on the day digitally, with articles in their print publications the following day. The Scottish Daily Express also covered the event stating: "Paltry turnout at 'Chain of Freedom' as large stretches of canal towpath left empty".

Scotland's two main broadcasters failed to cover the event which involved thousands of Scots, prompting activists to lodge complaints with both STV and BBC[4]. STV News sent two different replies to activists who lodged complaints. One stated its political team was in Aberdeen "covering Scottish independence as part of our SNP[5] conference coverage across our digital outlets".

The second reply stated: "STV News output is subject to the Ofcom Code on impartiality and accuracy. STV is satisfied that our editorial process and news programmes comply with the terms of the Ofcom Code, which itself contains no obligation to feature particular stories or types of stories." The correspondence was shared on the Chain of Freedom Facebook group.

Replies called the response "disgraceful" and one person wrote: "Very cleverly put-together response deflecting any responsibility to report important and well-publicised events involving many thousands of Scottish people." BBC News also replied to complaints, writing: "Thank you for contacting us about the Chain of Freedom Scottish independence event which took place on October 14. "Many marches and events take place at the weekend across the UK and unfortunately BBC News is unable to cover all of them.

We accept that not everyone will agree with each decision, but stories are chosen due to their editorial merit, with a number of factors considered including the news agenda and other breaking stories on the day." The broadcaster forwarded an article written the week after the chain took place[7] and stated it had covered the event retrospectively. The article touched on "concerns among the independence supporters that their views were underrepresented in the media".

Der Tagesspiegel (Germany)

The German daily newspaper featured a column written by Polly Toynbee.

Toynbee has been a columnist for The Guardian[8] newspaper since 1998 and described the chain as "a gesture that highlights the confusion and uncertainty over Scotland's push for secession from the United Kingdom". The former Social Democratic Party candidate wrote: "Independence supporters formed a human chain from Glasgow to near Edinburgh this weekend - a gesture that highlights the confusion and uncertainty over Scotland's push for secession from the United Kingdom. "The Supreme Court of Great Britain has ruled that the Scottish Parliament cannot hold another referendum; the British Parliament would have to regulate this by law.

The Scottish nationalists have neither desire nor support for Spanish-style illegality. Against the symbolism of the invasion of Ukraine by a tyrannical colonising neighbour must be weighed the reactionary nationalism of small countries now being mobilised in Hungary, Slovakia and Serbia." Toynbee concluded: "The nationalists' human chain on Saturday is therefore primarily an attempt to halt the dwindling importance of independence before next year's parliamentary elections."

The chain featured on the front page of daily Catalan newspaper El Punt Avui with the headline "The Scottish Way remains open". The National: An article written by Anna Puig said: "Massive pro-independence mobilisation in Scotland to demand a second referendum on self-determination."

Elsewhere, Alexandre Solano wrote on VilaWeb which "exists to give voice to the people of the Catalan countries": "Nicola Sturgeon[10], then Scottish first minister, announced more than a year ago the call for an independence referendum on October 19. But following the ruling of the British Supreme Court and the resignation of Sturgeon, there was a setback of the Scottish Government, with Humza Yousaf at the helm, which no longer puts deadlines on a new onslaught of independence. "However, the pro-independence movement does not want to sit idly by, and two grassroots activists, Judith Reid and Wilma Bowie, from Inverness, in the Highlands, have been promoting an ambitious mobilisation for months that is quite reminiscent of a Catalan precedent: a human chain for independence."

Unser Tirol (Italy)

In a report on Unser Tirol - a news site providing coverage for the region in the Alps of Northern Italy and western Austria - the chain's historical inspiration was discussed, and compared to Scotland.

It said: "In 1989, thousands of people tied their hands in a 600km-long human chain: they were citizens of the three Baltic republics, Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia. It was a signal, highlighting the unstoppable desire for independence, against a regime, the Soviet one, which oppressed the satellite states, which denied their citizens freedom and rights. The National: The chain of freedom held at Stockingfield Bridge at the Forth and Clyde Canal, Glasgow

"Likewise, today, Saturday, October 14, 2023, hundreds and hundreds of people will tie their hands in a human chain that will stretch from Glasgow to Edinburgh. "A silent and civil protest - write the organisers - against a government, the Tory one, which abuses Scottish citizens by limiting their political rights."

Nau (Switzerland)

Nau is a Swiss[11] site, with its content distributed via its website as well as screens on public transport[12] and in public spaces. Its report stated: "With a human chain, supporters of independence in Scotland have demonstrated for secession from the United Kingdom.

The pro-independence newspaper The National reported thousands of participants on Saturday.

"Photos showed, among other things, people with Scottish flags standing on a bridge in the city of Glasgow and along a canal."


  1. ^ here (
  2. ^ independence (
  3. ^ Europe (
  4. ^ BBC (
  5. ^ SNP (
  6. ^ Glasgow Tories slammed over walk out before Israel-Gaza debate (
  7. ^ article written the week after the chain took place (
  8. ^ The Guardian (
  9. ^ Owen Jones praises Humza Yousaf's leadership on Israel-Gaza war (
  10. ^ Nicola Sturgeon (
  11. ^ Schweiz (
  12. ^ transport (