Africa Live: Nigeria is doomed

Copyright: BBC

Ethiopia'sstate-appointed rights watchdog says the county's volatile north-western Amhararegion, where local militias continue to fight government troops, has seenwidespread incidents of extrajudicial killings and sexual violence.

Ina report released on Monday, the Ethiopian Human Rights Commission (EHRC) said since August - when violence broke out in the region - many civilians havebeen killed in drone strikes and also summary executions, often following house-to-house searches conducted by government forces.

In late September, civilians werekilled in strikes in at least three towns.

The dead included a child who was around 18 months old.

In three otherareas, including the regional capital Bahir Dar, extrajudicial killings bygovernment troops, were reported, theEHRC added.

Thecommission says rape in the context of the conflict has become "veryconcerning" with at least 200 women and girls reported to have been raped since August.

Schoolshad been, and in some areas continue to be, used as military camps in theregion, according to the EHRC.

Three hospitals had ceased their operationsafter harassment and arrests of staff and patients with one remainingclosed.

Localmilitias, known as Fano, on the other hand have targeted governmentofficials including a member of the regional council.

Fightingbroke out in Amhara after months of simmering tension following a decisionby the federal government to disband a state-backed paramilitary group.

In August, the militias entered several of the region's main cities,temporarily taking control of an airport in the historic town of Lalibela before they were pushed out by the army.

Fighting has since been concentrated in rural areas andsmall towns.

The region is still under a state of emergency whilecommunication lines are restricted, making it difficult to report on the accusationsof abuses.