Military intelligence: Ukraine hits 2 Russian light landing crafts in Crimea.

A Ukrainian strike on occupied Crimea overnight on Nov.

10 hit two high-speed landing crafts, the Ukrainian military intelligence (HUR) spokesperson confirmed for the Kyiv Independent. There have been reports of numerous explosions near the town of Chornomorske in Russian-occupied Crimea, the Telegram channel Crimean Wind reported on Nov.

10. Eyewitnesses cited by the channel said that military barracks were presumably hit.

The Russian Defense Ministry claimed that two drones had been shot down over the peninsula. The seaside town of Chornomorske lies at the western edge of the Crimean peninsula, some 120 kilometers northwest of Simferopol. National Security and Defense Council Secretary Oleksii Danilov said on Nov.

8 that Ukraine has been making "huge gains" in destroying Russian military assets in occupied Crimea.

In the past weeks and months, Kyiv reported successful attacks on high-value targets in Crimea, including S-400 air defenses, the modern Karakurt-class Askold warship, and other military vessels.