Vinnytsia resident sentenced to 15 years for aiding Russian strikes.

A Vinnytsia resident was sentenced to 15 years in prison for passing information to Russia and aiding strikes on the city, the Prosecutor General's Office reported on Nov.

24. The man was found guilty of treason on account of providing Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB) with information on local military and civilian infrastructure. The prosecutors pointed to a period between May and June 2023 when the sentenced resident spied on a local defense company's facility.

He also reportedly scanned WiFi networks and cell towers near military facilities using specialized software. The FSB collected the intelligence to aid Russian forces in preparing strikes against the city. The man was detained by law enforcement officers while surveilling the defense company.

He pleaded not guilty during the trial proceedings. While not the most common target of Russian attacks, Vinnytsia Oblast in central-western Ukraine has suffered several destructive strikes since the start of the full-scale invasion. A resident of Sloviansk, Donetsk Oblast, was sentenced to 12 years in prison earlier on Nov.

24 for spying on the Ukrainian military for Russia.

SBU: Ukrainian man sentenced to 12 years in prison for spying for Russian military

A Ukrainian man was sentenced to 12 years in prison following an investigation by the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) for spying for the Russian military in Donetsk Oblast, the SBU announced on Nov.


The Kyiv IndependentNate Ostiller