Russia shells 7 areas in Sumy Oblast.

Russian forces shelled seven areas in northeastern Sumy Oblast on Dec.

2, the local military administration reported on Telegram. At least 22 strikes were recorded in the past 24 hours which hit the communities of Yunakivka, Khotin, Bilopillia, Krasnopillia, Velyka Pysarivka, Esman, and Seredyna-Buda. No casualties or damage to civilian infrastructure were reported.

The Russian military targeted the settlements with an onslaught of shelling, mortar fire, artillety, and grenade launcher attacks. The village of Yunakivka, home to roughly 1,700 residents, experienced the most intense attacks, with 50 explosions originating from artilery and mortar strikes. The village is located six kilometers west of the Russia-Ukraine border.

Shelling is a daily occurrence for the communities near Ukraine's northeastern border with Russia. Residents of the Sumy Oblast vulnerable border settlements endure multiple attacks per day.

Ukraine's fight to heal millions of children scarred by Russia's war Editor's note: The children's full names are not revealed in this story to protect their identity.

The location of the camp they attend is also not revealed for security reasons.

Western Ukraine -- At the Gen.Camp tucked away in western Ukraine, children spend much of their day throwing