Turkish Akinci UCAV tests a TRG-230-IHA supersonic missile

17 December, 2022 The TRG-230-IHA missile under the wing of the Akinci drone. December 2022 Turkey has tested the TRG-230-IHA air-to-surface supersonic missile, which successfully hit the target at a distance of 100 km.

The first test launch of the new missile was carried out from the Turkish Akinci strike drone. This was announced by Roketsan, the developer of this weapon. The Akinci UCAV took off from Chorlu airfield west of Istanbul on Friday and flew about 700 km to the test site.

Launch of the TRG-230-IHA missile from the Akinci drone.

December 2022

The TRG-230-IHA missile was tested from a height of 7.6 thousand meters in the Sinop area on the Black Sea coast of Turkey. Roketsan said the air-to-surface missile hit the target from a distance of more than 100 km.

Bayraktar #AKINCI TIHA'mizdan ilk atisi yapilan ve Turkiye'nin ilk havadan karaya supersonik fuzesi olan #TRG230IHA ile 100KM uzerindeki hedef tam isabetle vuruldu! Milli muhendislik kabiliyetlerimizle sinirlari asmaya devam ediyoruz! @baykartech ??? pic.twitter.com/nl5hmY3OTj

-- Roketsan (@roketsan) December 16, 2022

According to the available information from the manufacturer, the new Turkish TRG-230-IHA air-launched supersonic missile has an effective range from 20 km up to 150 km.

The TRG-230-IHA missile under the wing of the Akinci drone. December 2022

From the name and appearance of the TRG-230-IHA missile, it can be assumed that it is probably an adapted version of the Turkish TRG-230 surface-to-surface missile for air-launch use. The new missiles will significantly expand the combat capabilities of the Akinci drone, in particular, for high-precision destruction of important objects at significant distances without the need to enter the enemy's air defense zone.

The TRG-230 ground-launch missiles are used in Turkish multiple rocket launchers. The missile provides a target strike range of up to 70 km.

Turkish TRG-230 missile

In the front part of the missile there are guidance devices, in the middle part of the hull there is a 42 kg high-explosive warhead, and fuel is in the tail part. The total weight of the TRG-230 is 215 kg.

TRG-230 launch from a mobile launcher

Targets for these missiles can be important military facilities: air bases and ports, areas of concentration of equipment and personnel, as well as air defense, radar and communications, etc.

The missiles can also hit command posts and logistics centers.

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