Russian Collaborator Killed in Car Explosion in Luhansk Region

1 April, 2024 Blown up car of the collaborator Valery Chaika. April 1, 2024. Starobilsk, Ukraine.

Photo credits: Luhansk Regional State Administration A car belonging to a collaborator was blown up in the temporarily occupied city of Starobilsk, Luhansk region. According to the Russian state news agency RIA Novosti, the car belonged to Valeriy Chaika, a member of the so-called Luhansk People's Republic's Parliament.

The RIA Novosti has confirmed the death of a collaborator. "In Starobilsk, a car was blown up. The "deputy" was killed by a directed explosion," the Russian media wrote.

The Luhansk Regional State Administration of Ukraine stated that Valeriy Chaika immediately sided with the invaders upon the arrival of the Russians in 2022. "Chaika is a typical "zhdun," (person that awaits the enemy's victory) who, from the Soviet era did not hide his sympathies for the "Russian world." His son was building a successful career in Luhansk after the occupation of the regional center," stated the Lugansk Administration.

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The invaders appointed Chaika as the ?ead of the so-called "Center for the Maintenance of Educational Organizations."

"Chaika had to control the quality and amount of propaganda that the enemy poured into the heads of our children," noted the Luhansk Administration. The Head of the Starobilsk Military Administration, Yana Litvinova, explained that Valeriy Chaika previously served as the secretary of the Komsomol district committee. Later, he led a local motor transport enterprise, continued his career as the Deputy Head of the district state administration, and was one of the leaders of the regional branch of the Party of Regions (one of the Ukrainian parties claimed by the media as pro-Russian).

Chaika's wife, a teacher with extensive experience, also actively cooperates with the occupation authorities. She works at the local school.

Valeriy Chaika first appeared in the Security Services' criminal investigation in 2023. "The Security Service collected irrefutable evidence of the guilt of three more collaborators who collaborated with the enemy in the temporarily occupied part of the Lugansk region," according to the documents on Valeriy Chaika's case. The Security Service conducted comprehensive measures to bring him to justice.

For collaboration, he faced 15 years and confiscation of property.