Poland will spend more than $2 billion to strengthen its border with Russia and Belarus

18 May, 2024 A protective barrier on the border between Poland and Belarus. Photo from open sources Poland will spend more than £2 billion to strengthen its border with Russia and Belarus.

The eastern border of the country is being strengthened as part of the plan, dubbed "East Shield". Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk announced this on Saturday. "The plan will include the construction of new fortifications, fences, changes in landforms and special forestation along 400 kilometers of land border", Bloomberg writes.

"We have decided to invest 10 billion zlotys in our security, and above all in a secure eastern border. We are starting a major project to build a secure border, including a system of fortifications as well as landscaping and environmental decisions that will make this border impossible for a potential enemy to cross," Tusk said.

Prime Minister of Poland Donald Tusk. Photo from mass media

He added that the Polish government had already started funding relevant projects at the border.

The announcement of this plan came amid another wave of attempts to cross the border by illegal migrants from Belarus. To counteract illegal border crossings, in 2022 Poland built a 5.5-meter-high, 187-kilometer-long protective barrier on its border with Belarus.

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p2022 ????: Stanislaw Zaryn Poland completed constructing a barrier on the border with Belarus, September 2022. Photo credits: Stanislaw Zaryn

The wall is equipped with electronic devices that detect trespassers and send out signals about attempts to cross the border.

Previously, Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk called on the European Union to develop a joint air defense system.

Illustrative photo of a Patriot PAC 2 missile launch.

Photo from open sources.

And also to allocate at least EUR100 billion for joint defense amid growing security threats.

In addition, the Polish Prime Minister called on the European Union to strengthen its external borders, noting that countries needed to spend resources in the coming years to build up military readiness sufficient to deter potential enemies.